Category Archives: Thinking Outloud

This is opinion based content, sometimes speculative. Wish-lists, rants, raves, comparisons, favorite games, etc.

Nintendo Select Titles Are Overdue for the Switch

Nintendo is notorious for keeping their games at full price longer than any other video game publisher, especially one that also sells hardware. I don’t knock entirely Nintendo for it, I understand it, it’s a different business model than most of the other companies use, and for the most part the games still sell well long after release. Some of the bigger games still sell millions of copies years after release, at full price. But eventually, the sales decline on the big sellers and become stagnant on the smaller titles. Sequels start to arrive, which logically should drop the prices of their precursors. Some games need reprints, and some need a boost to move the remaining copies out of circulation. All of these scenarios are currently happening with games on the Nintendo Switch, so it’s about time to look at reducing the prices, permanently one some of Nintendo’s best sellers. The best way to do that, is their Nintendo Selects series (Personally, I prefer the Player’s Choice name more, but Nintendo has been using this since the Wii era).

The Nintendo Selects series is the equivalent of Sony’s “Greatest Hits” line or Microsoft’s “Platinum Hits” line. These are popular games, that sometimes meet a certain sales criteria to get a permanent price drop, and rebranded in different (uglier) packaging. It’s often used to rejuvenate sales in a game, or franchise, but is also beneficial for the publisher to help clear out excess copies and connect with less informed gamers or gift shoppers that are looking for one of the more popular games at a cheaper price.

The Switch is now 4 1/2 years old, it’s time for Nintendo to start discounting some of the Switch’s earlier hits and re-introducing them to the customer base. Nintendo has sold a little over 85 million Switch consoles so far, and roughly 67 million of those sales came AFTER year 2, so over 75% of Switch owners weren’t even around to get hyped on the earlier titles. Add to that, most people buying a 4, or 5 year old console usually look at one of the biggest benefits of an older system is that there should be a lot of popular games at cheaper prices…the Switch currently doesn’t have that perk. I honestly thought Nintendo would’ve unveiled a Nintendo Select title LAST Holiday season to combat the PS5 and XBox Series X launch, as a way to show that their system has some excellent exclusives available at good prices, but they didn’t. They didn’t need to either, I don’t think it would’ve made much of a difference in console sales, those systems were so hard to get, Nintendo probably still got some sales from people that “settled” for a Switch and their exclusives before upgrading their PS4’s and XB1’s. This Holiday might not be any different with the competitors, but for new and old Switch owners, it’s time they got some prices slashed on the older titles and Nintendo gave a boost to some of the games that have their interest dissipate in the past few years.

This is what I think Nintendo should, and realistically could, put out for their first Wave of Nintendo Select titles on the Switch.

The Legend of Zelda
Breath of the Wild

Release Date: March 3, 2017
Total Sales: 23.20million (As of 6/31/21)

My Suggested Select Price: $30

With over 22 million sales, it is the best selling Zelda game of all-time, so clearly it should qualify as a Nintendo Select title. It was also a launch title for the Switch, so it is the oldest Switch game out. One of the highest quality titles of the past decade (if not all-time), Breath of the Wild still sells fairly well at full price, it sold 1 million copies between March 31st and June 30th this year according to Nintendo. Even so, with a sequel coming soon, it is about time Nintendo considers repackaging BotW and selling it at a discounted price, especially when they launch a Nintendo Select Line.

Kirby Star Allies

Release Date: March 16, 2018
Total Sales: 2.93million (as of 12/31/19)

My Suggested Select Price: $30

Kirby Star Allies was released to some excitement shortly after the year anniversary of the Switch launch, but most attention and mention of this game disappeared quickly after. Star Allies is a great single player Kirby game, but an even better co-op game. Sales for this have certainly declined hard over the 3 years since it’s release, I never hear it recommended or brought up. Rumor has it a new Kirby is coming soon, a discounted price is overdue, and although I suggested $30, it might need a $20 price tag to really give it a boost.


Release Date: June 16, 2017
Total Sales: 2.38million (As of 12/31/19)

My Suggested Select Price: $20

ARMS came out very early in the Switches’ life, it was the first non-port for the Switch (besides SnipperClips) that wasn’t Zelda. There was some hype around this game being the “next Splatoon” from Nintendo, another new quirky IP hit. While ARMS fell short of being the phenomenon that Splatoon was, it still was a cool new fighting game with it’s own unique gameplay and style. This is a game that I feel has been TOTALLY forgotten about and ignored since late 2017. Outside of hardcore Nintendo fans, anyone who bought a Switch after 2018 probably never heard of this game, or ignored it because of it’s $60 price tag. Some dedicated Smash Bros fans might have given this a look after ARMS characters were added as DLC to Smash, but this game really needs a price cut to reintroduce it to newer Switch owners that weren’t following 2017 releases and to build a base for ARMS 2.

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The Nintendo Switch Pro is Unnecessary in 2021

To start off, I’d like to say that IF Nintendo did release a Switch Pro in 2021, I would be excited for it, I would pre-order it and pick it up on day one. The point that I’m making here though is that not only is it unnecessary for a 2021 release, I actually think it would be more damaging to Nintendo’s business/profits than if Nintendo waited another year.


The Nintendo Switch has been the best selling console for 31 months straight, Nintendo would be foolish to interfere in any way that could drop the appeal of a Nintendo Switch right now. When the holiday season rolls around, the Playstation 5 and XBox Series X will almost definitely still be the most in-demand consoles, but the Switch will likely be the most available, which potentially means it might still rule the holiday season.

If Nintendo were to announce a Switch Pro, or release a Switch Pro before the end of the year, of course interest will be very high, maybe even surpassing the XSX or the PS5. But it’s almost guaranteed to have supply issues similar to the competitors, while simultaneously making the regular Switch less desirable and potentially killing most interest in the Lite altogether if the regular Switch is forced to take a price cut. I don’t see how the Switch or Switch Lite could keep the same momentum with the Pro out on the market, and it seems like Nintendo would be unnecessarily cutting their lives short, to roll out the Pro, which may not even have a reason to exist yet.

2021’s Lack of Releases

E3 2021 showed the not so well kept secret, but the pandemic has affected development time for a lot of games and compared to past years, we aren’t getting many new games in 2021 for any of the consoles. Due to the lack of big titles coming to the PS5 and XSX in Q3 and Q4, I don’t think Nintendo needs to fear losing relevancy yet. Even so, a Switch Pro would likely be comparable to the power of maybe a PS4, or XB1S, so it really only needs to look at what games are coming to PS4 and XB1 in 2021 (non-exclusive) to see what we’re missing out because of a lack of a Pro.

  • Back 4 Blood – While it looks like a fun game, it is primarily focused on online multiplayer which is not a strength of the Switch and when given the choice, would likely buy on another platform than Switch. This doesn’t seem like anything that people would preference for their Switch
  • Battlefield 2042 – This falls in a similar situation as Back 4 Blood, but this game would probably be even more demanding of near flawless performance and who knows how probable that would be for the Switch Pro to deliver on.
  • Dying Light 2 – I barely played the first Dying Light, it didn’t seem bad though, and I would pick this up on a Switch Pro and I could see this being preferential for a lot of people over the PS4 or XB1, but the PS5/XSX would likely be the most preferred console because those owners are thirsty for something to play
  • Far Cry 6 – Pretty much the exact situation as Dying Light 2
  • Rainbow Six Extraction – As with the other multiplayer games, this just doesn’t seem like it would be desirable for the Pro
  • Sports (EA) – I know there is a long list of reasons Madden is garbage, but yes, I would buy it on Switch or Switch Pro on Day 1. I don’t know if EA would even bring it to a Pro, seeing as they never brought Madden to the regular Switch, although EA is more friendly with Nintendo these days and they would just have to port over the PS4 version, so maybe.
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I Need To Play My PS4

The Playstation 4 was easily my most played console between 2014 – 2016, but for the past 18 months, I haven’t even turned it on. In the 6 months before that, I had played it for less than 10 hours. So what happened in 2017 that affected my Playstation 4 time? My tastes in gaming changed, I wasn’t happy with what I had been playing recently, and then around this time, Nintendo released the Switch. A few things in my personal life had also changed, and in respect to my privacy I’ll just say I had a career change, and I also had a some family events occur that reduced my playing time. But I still managed to play games these past 18 months, I just shifted away from the bigger titles on PS4.

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Achievements & Trophies: Addiction Unlocked

When Microsoft introduced Achievements with the XBox 360, it changed gaming, it changed the way developers made their games and it changed the way we played games. Sure there were games with collectibles, tasks, and a completionist % design to them, but now every game incorporated it. When I first bought a XBox 360 (Elite model in July 2007) I didn’t think much of achievements, when I played and they unlocked I shrugged it off and didn’t think much more. One night while playing through Gears of War online with a friend, he got excited that he unlocked one, I noticed how it meant something to him.

As months went on, I had played a variety of games, I’m usually picking something up new to play every couple of weeks. I had started to notice achievements more, after they’d unlock, I’d pop-up the menu and see what exactly I just accomplished. A few games later, I started looking through the list and seeing what else there was I thought I could possibly do without getting too off-track and wasting too much time. Eventually, it reached a point where I was looking at before a game released, or before I rented it at GameFly and seeing if the achievements seemed obnoxious, time-consuming, and possible. If a game required several play throughs, or online specific goals, such as getting a high rank, I would avoid them. I specifically remember being interested in the game Lost Planet by Capcom, but I avoided playing it because it required 4 – 5 playthroughs to get 100%.

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Nintendo Switch: Year 2 In Review

The Nintendo Switch just finished it’s 2nd Year of availability, and it is undoubtedly a huge success. We continue to hear about the device breaking sales records and it seems like every week new games and more support are announced. But besides sales, how was Year 2 for the Switch? I wanted to go back and Grade the releases by Nintendo, the support and releases by Third Parties, the Indies games released, and the Services and Systems Updates the system got throughout the year.

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My Review System & How It Works

I do not doubt at all that my system has flaws in it and someone can come along and pick it apart and tell me why it doesn’t work for them, that’s fine.  I just figure if I’m going to post reviews and score games, I should at least give some explanations to how my scoring works.

My reviews and scores are based on my personal experiences I had with the game, sometimes that may result in some outlier scores, but I believe this is how reviews should be done.   I also like to keep my reviews short, and to the point. I feel as all it really boils down to is the game good, average, or bad, and that’s how I score them.

Pretty much any game I play or review, I have an interest in it.  Most likely, I also purchased the game (I don’t receive review copies), and I only want to spend my time and money on games I am interested in.  I find it very frustrating to read a game review from someone who has no interest in the genre, or series and had to begrudgingly play the game.   Readers read reviews for games they’re interested in playing, they want that reviewer to be interested too, with similar tastes.    Even if I spend my own money, or I’m a fan of a series/genre, I can acknowledge when a game falls short of expectations or isn’t very good…this doesn’t mean everything gets good scores.

I do not doubt at all that my system has flaws in it and someone can come along and pick it apart and tell me why it doesn’t work for them, that’s fine.  I just figure if I’m going to post reviews and score games, I should at least give some explanations to how my scoring works.

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NBA 2K19: Money Over Everything

I’m not the best 2K player, but I do feel like my progress, and my enjoyment is being crippled by a greed to sell me microtransactions with in-game currency. The game has become a grind. I did not play much of the 2K series from 2K6 – 2K17, only a few hours from a couple of them. Last year however, I put in over 150 hours into NBA 2K18. I became aware of the grind for VC (Virtual Currency) then, but it appears to be even worse in 2K19.

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How I Define Retro Gaming

It’s easy to figure out where “Retro Gaming” begins, but where does it end?  Where do we draw the line that defines retro gaming, and gaming outside of the current generation? The definition of “retro” in the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it in relation to fashion, but says “relating to, reviving, or being the styles and especially the fashions of the past fashionably nostalgic or old-fashioned“.  All this leaves us with is a very vague “of the past” or “nostalgic” to apply towards Retro Gaming.

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What Wii U Ports Could Still Come To Switch? [Updated]

Updated: Was updated to change Super Mario Maker from possible to doubtful after the announcement of Super Mario Maker 2

As many Wii U owners are aware, Nintendo has ported a lot of their Wii U line-up to the Switch.  Besides filling in gaps in the release Switch’s release schedule, these titles have now been introduced to a larger audience (due to Switch being a bigger success) and also have the ability to be played fully portable.   For the most part, these ports are the “definitive” versions of these games.

Looking at what’s already been ported, and what’s left over on the Wii U, I thought it’d be fun to look and see what other Nintendo games might get ported from the Wii U.

There is a Nintendo Direct coming, and I’m sure some of these will pop-up, so I will update this after those announcements happen.

All of these Nintendo published games have already been ported for the Wi U onto the Switch.   Most of them actually sold better on the Switch than their original Wii U release despite not much new content being added to them.   Here is the full list of Nintendo Wii U Ports

  • Bayonetta / Bayonetta 2 – This is mostly the same as the Wii U versions but they’ve added some amiibo support

  • Captain Toad Treasure Tracker – New Super Mario Odyssey themed levels (New Donk City) were added, and the Super Mario 3D World levels were removed.

  • Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze – The infamouse New Funky Kong Mode was added, this allows something of an “easy mode” by using Funky Kong, who is invincible

  • Hyrule Warriors – 2Player Co-op is now playable in split-screen, where as on the Wii U you had to use the TV and GamePad for different players.

  • Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – This version includes all of the DLC from Mario Kart 8 plus some other additions: 6 new characters, 4 karts, gameplay tweaks and brand new Battle Modes which fills a huge void that was in the Wii U version

  • New Super Mario Bros Deluxe – Mostly the same as the New Super Mario Bros U + New Super Luigi U combo for Wii U but this version adds Toadette / Peachette which make the game easier to play similar to Funk Kong in DKCTF.

  • Pokken Tournament DX – This version adds 5 new characters plus later 2 more were released through DLC

For various reasons that I’ll explain, I think these games have a pretty high chance of getting ported to the Switch.  None of these have been announced for the Switch at this point, but some of them have been rumored.

  • Pikmin 3 – Back in 2015 Miyamoto said the next Pikmin was “near completion”, in a later statement Nintendo confirmed that “Pikmin 4” was in development.  When Miyamoto said the “next” Pikmin, maybe he was referring to Hey! Pikmin for the 3DS which hadn’t been announced yet.  Regardless, I’m sure most agree that Nintendo wouldn’t have referred to that game directly as Pikmin 4 though.    Why does this matter?  Because this likely means Pikmin 4 is coming to the Switch, and if that doesn’t happen in 2019, I wouldn’t be surprised if Nintendo snuck in a Pikmin 3 port to hold us over another year or too.  In my opinion, Pikmin 3 was at a Super Mario, Legend of Zelda, Metroid level of quality and polish.  If Pikmin 4 is announced for 2019, then I think the chances of a Pikmin 3 port drops to very doubtful.

  • Super Mario 3D World – This was such a great Super Mario game and it goes very under appreciated.  There was an unfortunate cluster of complaints around this game because it wasn’t a “real” 3D Mario, and it wasn’t like Galaxy (or the eventual Odyssey).  I also was part of the group that wanted a Galaxy 3 more than a sequel to 3D Land, but I was wrong.  Super Mario 3D World is my favorite Wii U game and is by far the best co-op Super Mario game out there.  The game’s style allows unique level design you don’t get in the Galaxy/Odyssey types, or in the 2D “New” games. This is sure to sell, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we see this sometime late 2019.    I’m also hopeful we get a sequel at some point too.

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Expectations, Speculation & Wishes For the Upcoming Direct

I’d like to keep expectations realistic, and the way I conclude what is realistic, is by looking at the content of past directs.   The best comparison would probably be last year’s Nintendo Direct “mini” that happened on January 11th, 2018.   Like the upcoming Direct, the “mini” was used to kick-start a new year and make some big announcements after closing out a successful holiday season.  In the “mini” we ended up getting several new announcements, 3 New Ports, 2 Remake/Remasters, 3 Newly Announced Games,  2 New DLC’s Announced and 2 Updates.   I would be ecstatic to get an equal line-up of announcements this year, and it’s why I keep pointing out this was labeled as a “mini”

When going into 2018 we were pretty much in the dark about the year’s upcoming line-up.  The only confirmed Nintendo published releases at this point were Bayonetta 2/1 (announced only a month before) and Kirby Star Allies.

In 2019 we already know about several Nintendo published games expected for release:

  • Animal Crossing
  • Luigi’s Mansion 3
  • Daemon X Machina
  • Yoshi’s Crafted World
  • Fire Emblem Three Houses
  • Pokemon (Main Game)
  • Yo-Kai Watch 4
  • Town (Tentative Title)
  • New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe (already released)
  • Bayonetta 3 – (Maybe not 2019)

This probably means we are less likely to get as many “new” announcements this year, but more likely to receive plenty of new information regarding these previously announced titles.   Most of these games we only know are in development and we don’t know anything else as we’ve never seen footage of them.   Surely through the year we will encounter some other surprises and new games too though, but maybe not as much from Nintendo as last year.

Third parties now have had a good amount of time to gauge the market for the Switch, and surely they’ve seen it’s a huge success.  Studios have also had time to sit down with development kits for about 2 years now, so that also means they’re probably ready to start rolling out more projects now.   I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the “new” announcements we get this year are in regards to third party games.


Here is a re-cap of last January’s Nintendo Direct, just to see the caliber of titles that were announced.

ports2 copy
  • Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze
  • Hyrule Warrios
  • Y’s VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
  • The World Ends With You: Final Remix
  • Dark Souls Remastered
  • Mario Tennis Aces
  • SNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy
  • Fe
updates copy.png
  • Kirby Star Allies Release Date Announcement
  • Payday 2 Release Date Announcement (February 27)’
  • Donkey Kong DLC (Mario + Rabbids)
  • Luigi Balloon Hunt Free (Super Mario Odyssey)

There’s some rumors and speculation about what’s going to be shown/announced in the next Direct.  I’ve put together a list of things that have been circulating as possibly being announced

  • Already Announced Games Get Updates – We already know we’ll get a look at Fire Emblem 3 Houses, but we might also get to see some Luigi’s Mansion 3, Bayonetta 3 or Animal Crossing updates too. Dragon Quest Builders 2 and Dragon Quest X-S will likely get a release date (and maybe a related Smash character reveal). I would expect a release date for Spyro Trilogy remaster, and definitely expect release date/windows on all of the Capcom and Square Remasters/Ports that were announced in the last Nintendo Direct. Another forgotten title I’m expecting updated release info on is Shakedown Hawaii by VBlank (creators of Retro City Rampage), I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s released in the eShop tomorrow.

  • Assassin’s Creed III RemasterThere have already been leaks that this is coming to Switch, and it was already on the Wii U, so it might not be too hard of a port. The funny thing is, I bought this on 360 and sold it later without ever playing it. After that, I bought it on Wii U and sold it without ever playing it. I wonder if I’ll buy it and play it on Switch.

  • Frostbite Engine on Switch – There’s rumors that EA has got the Frostbite Engine running on the Switch, if that’s true, what games become a possibility?  Most likely it means we get a version of FIFA 20 that will be closer to the PS4/XB1 counterparts, but I do not think we’d get that announcement this soon.    It also opens the possibility for Madden 20, but again, I don’t think that announcement is happening this time of the year (maybe some sort of Madden 19 Super Bowl Edition?).  Battlefield V would be an awesome game for the Switch, but it’d have to be severely gimped, and it’d probably run awful on the Nintendo online service.   So what the hell might they announce!?  Maybe we’ll see a Need For Speed, Plants vs Zombies or maybe even some sort of Anthem port is coming later 2019 to the Switch.
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