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My Most Wanted Nintendo 64 Games

One of the downsides to being a collector is that you’re almost never satisfied because there’s always more for you to collect. My Nintendo 64 right collection right now sits at 76 games, but there’s still about 20 – 30 games I really have my eye on that I’d like to fill my collection with. Some of these games I have been wanting ever since they came out 20+ year ago, and others I’ve just recently discovered. Below are a few that are on “Most Wanted” list

Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon

Metacritic: 67%
Current Market Value: $62.06 (loose) / $283.49 (complete) (Source:

I’ve wanted this game ever since it came out in 1997, and for some reason, I’ve never played it. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen it in a store. I’m familiar with the series because I have played the SNES Mystical Ninja numerous times. This game has been described as a mixture of Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time so I’m very intrigued. I understand it’s a niche title, so the reviews probably don’t represent it well. It’s from the “good” Konami days, so I’m pretty confident I will enjoy it as long as I recognize it may feel a bit dated as a N64 title. I think sooner or later I’m going to make the jump and get this, I doubt I’ll pay the price for a complete copy, but a loose copy isn’t bad.

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How I Define Retro Gaming

It’s easy to figure out where “Retro Gaming” begins, but where does it end?  Where do we draw the line that defines retro gaming, and gaming outside of the current generation? The definition of “retro” in the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it in relation to fashion, but says “relating to, reviving, or being the styles and especially the fashions of the past fashionably nostalgic or old-fashioned“.  All this leaves us with is a very vague “of the past” or “nostalgic” to apply towards Retro Gaming.

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