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The Nintendo Switch Pro is Unnecessary in 2021

To start off, I’d like to say that IF Nintendo did release a Switch Pro in 2021, I would be excited for it, I would pre-order it and pick it up on day one. The point that I’m making here though is that not only is it unnecessary for a 2021 release, I actually think it would be more damaging to Nintendo’s business/profits than if Nintendo waited another year.


The Nintendo Switch has been the best selling console for 31 months straight, Nintendo would be foolish to interfere in any way that could drop the appeal of a Nintendo Switch right now. When the holiday season rolls around, the Playstation 5 and XBox Series X will almost definitely still be the most in-demand consoles, but the Switch will likely be the most available, which potentially means it might still rule the holiday season.

If Nintendo were to announce a Switch Pro, or release a Switch Pro before the end of the year, of course interest will be very high, maybe even surpassing the XSX or the PS5. But it’s almost guaranteed to have supply issues similar to the competitors, while simultaneously making the regular Switch less desirable and potentially killing most interest in the Lite altogether if the regular Switch is forced to take a price cut. I don’t see how the Switch or Switch Lite could keep the same momentum with the Pro out on the market, and it seems like Nintendo would be unnecessarily cutting their lives short, to roll out the Pro, which may not even have a reason to exist yet.

2021’s Lack of Releases

E3 2021 showed the not so well kept secret, but the pandemic has affected development time for a lot of games and compared to past years, we aren’t getting many new games in 2021 for any of the consoles. Due to the lack of big titles coming to the PS5 and XSX in Q3 and Q4, I don’t think Nintendo needs to fear losing relevancy yet. Even so, a Switch Pro would likely be comparable to the power of maybe a PS4, or XB1S, so it really only needs to look at what games are coming to PS4 and XB1 in 2021 (non-exclusive) to see what we’re missing out because of a lack of a Pro.

  • Back 4 Blood – While it looks like a fun game, it is primarily focused on online multiplayer which is not a strength of the Switch and when given the choice, would likely buy on another platform than Switch. This doesn’t seem like anything that people would preference for their Switch
  • Battlefield 2042 – This falls in a similar situation as Back 4 Blood, but this game would probably be even more demanding of near flawless performance and who knows how probable that would be for the Switch Pro to deliver on.
  • Dying Light 2 – I barely played the first Dying Light, it didn’t seem bad though, and I would pick this up on a Switch Pro and I could see this being preferential for a lot of people over the PS4 or XB1, but the PS5/XSX would likely be the most preferred console because those owners are thirsty for something to play
  • Far Cry 6 – Pretty much the exact situation as Dying Light 2
  • Rainbow Six Extraction – As with the other multiplayer games, this just doesn’t seem like it would be desirable for the Pro
  • Sports (EA) – I know there is a long list of reasons Madden is garbage, but yes, I would buy it on Switch or Switch Pro on Day 1. I don’t know if EA would even bring it to a Pro, seeing as they never brought Madden to the regular Switch, although EA is more friendly with Nintendo these days and they would just have to port over the PS4 version, so maybe.
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NBA 2K19: Money Over Everything

I’m not the best 2K player, but I do feel like my progress, and my enjoyment is being crippled by a greed to sell me microtransactions with in-game currency. The game has become a grind. I did not play much of the 2K series from 2K6 – 2K17, only a few hours from a couple of them. Last year however, I put in over 150 hours into NBA 2K18. I became aware of the grind for VC (Virtual Currency) then, but it appears to be even worse in 2K19.

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How I Define Retro Gaming

It’s easy to figure out where “Retro Gaming” begins, but where does it end?  Where do we draw the line that defines retro gaming, and gaming outside of the current generation? The definition of “retro” in the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it in relation to fashion, but says “relating to, reviving, or being the styles and especially the fashions of the past fashionably nostalgic or old-fashioned“.  All this leaves us with is a very vague “of the past” or “nostalgic” to apply towards Retro Gaming.

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